Circuit Board CB24

⚫Model No. Cb24
⚫Circuit Board Used in  DMX Model No P524DA
⚫24 CH DMX 512 Circuit Board/Kit.


⚫Circuit Board of DMX Model No P524DA
⚫24 CH DMX 512 Circuit Board/Kit.
⚫ Supply 15 Volt 750 Milli Amp.
⚫ DMX Data Receiving CN4 Pin 1-ground pin 2-data / pin 3 data
⚫ Data Output and Error Indicators.
⚫ Indicators Out CN3 Pin 1+5V Pin 2-5V 3-error 4-data
⚫CN 6 Pin 1-5V, 2 to 9 10 Volt Output. out 1-8
⚫CN 9 Pin 1-5V, 2 to 9 10 Volt Output, out 9-16
⚫CN 10 Pin 1-5V, 2 to 9 10 Volt Output. out 17-24
⚫CN 5 Pin 1-5V, Pin 2 to 12 Address Set.
⚫ CN 2 0v-5v-12V, 750 Mili Amp. Supply.
⚫ Size: 87x280mm
⚫ Weight: 250 g


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